Recipe Created By:

Essential Cuisine



ready in

50 minutes



What you will need

For the curry sauce

For the rice

  • 320g Riso Gallo Saffron My Risotto Perfetto
  • 20ml Clarified butter
  • 50g Peeled and finely chopped onion
  • 2g Finely chopped chives
  • 2 Medium sized eggs, soft boiled, peeled and halved

How to prepare:

Bring the Essential Cuisine Fish Stock Mix and water to a simmer in a suitable shallow pan with the thyme, place in the fish and barely simmer for 3-4 minutes. Remove the fish, cool, de-bone and flake.

Simmer the Street Food Chef South Indian Seasoning and coconut together in a thick bottomed pan for 5 minutes, thicken to coating consistency with the cornflour.

Heat the oil in a separate saucepan, gently fry the onion for a few minutes, stir in the Riso Gallo Saffron My Risotto Perfetto and sweat gently. Add the cooking liquor from the haddock, cover and cook for 12 minutes, or until the stock is absorbed, loosen with a fork.

Add the flaked haddock and chives, serve on warm plates with the curry sauce poured over garnished with the eggs.

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